Between Two Fires, the new maxi-EP from Yevabog, is a heavy, aggressive, evil, yet melodic and beautiful album that loosely tells a story of possession. It is titled after the novel by Christopher Buehlman. The lyrics are largely an allegory for some of the evils in the world perpetrated under the name of god and what is “good”.
The album features drums by Robin Stone, guest vocals by M. Nihilist on the song 22 Disciples Of Hell and cover art by Felipe Froeder/ Arcano XV.
A Golden Reaper – This song is about the global powers destroying the earth for personal gain, told through the analogy of a demonic entity taking control of a subject.
In Veste Maculatum – translates (more or less- I don’t actually speak Latin) to: in dirty/stained robes/clothing. This is largely a reference to the unholy pious of the world, whether that be sex predator priests, megachurch leaders wringing grandma out of her rent money so the can buy another jet, or anyone from any religion promoting violence in the name of their god. The gist of the song, through the continued possession story, is the demonic entity telling these men that their god will not answer them.
Host – This song is about the one being possessed. It’s about all the things people are told through religious indoctrination, to believe that they are worthless outside of god. I grew up with a lot of that, so some of the themes are things I’ve worked through in my life.
Rituale Romanum – The Roman Ritual is the official Catholic exorcism ritual, and the song is about the futility of living and performing rituals in service of a god who I don’t think exists, and certainly doesn’t care if it does.
A Saint Or A Witch – touches on the ideas of how religion has affected the treatment of mental health through history. People with mental issues have been labeled evil, possessed, or witches. If you are hearing voices, basically, you must be a saint or a witch. This idea draws from the book Between Two Fires by Christopher Buehlman, which the album is named after.
22 Disciples Of Hell – is about the satanic panic during the 80’s and 90’s. The 22 disciples of hell were a conspiracy theory about followers of David Berkowitz, “The son of Sam”. The satanic panic ruined innocent lives because of prejudices and religious zealotism, the worst case being the McMartin preschool trials; A modern witch hunt.
01. A Golden Reaper | 02. In Veste Maculatum | 03. Host | 04. Rituale Romanum | 05. A Saint Or A Witch | 06. 22 Disciples Of Hell
Between Two Fires | Released March 21st, 2023 via Sliptrick Records
Yevabog is:
Joel Hackett – Vocals/Guitars/Bass/Synths
Band links: Facebook | Youtube | Instagram | On Sliptrick