Italian Hard Rock Group HOURLY DAILY WEEKLY Joins Sliptrick

2023-11-10T11:49:28+02:00November 20th, 2023|Categories: Band Descriptions, News|Tags: |

Joining the ranks at Sliptrick Records: Hourly Daily Weekly (IT) Hard Rock Hourly Daily Weekly is an hard rock’n’roll band from Sardinia (Italy). Harsh, rough and wild rhythms as the land it comes from. Dusty and buzzing atmospheres for a hard rock mix in a Mediterranean sauce. Hourly Daily Weekly is a young band but formed by [...]


2023-11-10T11:34:54+02:00November 10th, 2023|Categories: E – H, Europe, Profiles|Tags: |

Hourly Daily Weekly | Sardinia | Italy Hard Rock Influences: AC/DC | Led Zeppelin | Motorhead | Lynyrd Skynyrd | ZZ Top Discography: Hourly Daily Weekly | Sliptrick Records | 2024 Current line-up: Luigi "Dezzy" Dessy - Vocals Emanuel Forresu - Guitar Stefano Brenau - Bass Gianluigi Atzei - Drums Band links: Facebook | Youtube | Instagram [...]