WEAK13 – On The BBC

Available now at: Apple Music | Spotify | & other major stores

Released by: Sliptrick Records 13.11.23
Format: Online Single/Official Video
Genre: Metal | Punk | Rock

British band WEAK13 have released a provocative stance towards the acronym ‘BBC’ with their latest single On The BBC. WEAK13 frontman and guitarist revealed “This is a song for every musician, band or songwriter out there that feels deliberately ignored by modern mainstream media”.

When asked “What does On the BBC stand for?” the WEAK13 singer and guitarist Nick J Townsend added “It could arguably be ‘Bureaucratic Boundary Controllers’, ‘Big Black Chicken’ or perhaps ‘Bigot Box Calculator’ but lyrics are subjective so it can mean anything that the listener prefers, we’re diverse writers. There is a broadcasting company in Britain that shares the same initials but that’s likely mere coincidence”.

The song heavily strays away from the signature brand of metal punk rock normally produced by WEAK13 yet still bashes the listener over the head with, what could be described as, pure sarcastic commercialism. It’s potentially the most radio-friendly song ever recorded by the band; there’s even a short tap dancing solo by guest musician Laura Stanyer from the band Naked Sunday.

On The BBC features a wide range of channeled musical inspirations according to WEAK13 who acknowledge Kenny Everett, Morecambe & Wise, Les Dawson, Norman wisdom, The Humdrum Express, Pixies, Korn, Elvis, William Shatner and Frank Sinatra as major influences.

WEAK13 are:
Nick J Townsend – Vocals/Guitars | Wesley Smith – Bass | Neel Parmar – Drums

Band links: Official Website | Facebook | Youtube | Instagram | On Sliptrick