March 3rd sees the CD/Digital release of Defiled By Evil, the new EP from Belgium metal group Our Hate. The groups musical influences from different kinds of heaviness are covered and blended into a pounding and brutal metal sound and the 5 tracks of Defiled By Evil showcase precisely this.

Here’s what the group had to say about their new EP; “In life we suffer different kind of emotions. Some may have a positive, others a negative influence on ourselves and our fellow human beings. Things happen as a result of social pressure or personal experiences which makes fuses blown in our mind.”

“Sometimes we are a victim, sometimes a sinner but in the end we have to stick together and lean on each other. There is always a light at the end of the tunnel. The 5 tracks on this EP capture a few of many life-determining phases (mental illness, payback, death, even hope).”

Defiled By Evil | Released March 3rd, 2020 on Sliptrick Records

Track Listing:
01. Speak To Me | 02. Defiled By Evil | 03. Together As One (Feat. Jacob Cámara) | 04. Remorse Of A Serialkiller | 05. Punisher

Our Hate are:
Tom Lenaerts – Vocals | Deef Vanheukelen – Guitar | Dennis Vanheukelen – Guitar | Kris Stickers – Bass | Ibanez Vanschooren – Drums

Band links: Facebook | Youtube | Instagram | On Sliptrick