Basque heavy metal artist Enbor Arnasa ends 2024 with the release of a new comprehensive DVD appears that shows the trajectory of the first 5 years of his project.

Bidea Berregin Zen is a beautiful DVD, with a very elaborate artwork that continues to represent the breathing of a log that has burned. The DVD dates back to 2019, when the first album began to take shape, of which you can see the recordings of most of the songs.

After this, came the second album, with some winks playing the drums and giving rise to what would be the most elaborate work until then, called Sentitu Bahitu Kateen Hotsak, which translates as if you had felt the sound of the chains, echoing the fear experienced since the beginning of the year 2000.

In addition to reviewing the making of the first three albums, you can see music video designs, trips and a couple of music videos. In this case the songs Nora Joan Baleukate and Apurtuko Al Du Itsasoak. Also the mini-report in English, Basque and Spanish titled FIRST BREATHS. All this plus some post-pandemic oddities.

Bidea Berregin Zen | Released October 29th, 2024 via Sliptrick Records

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Full Tracklist:
1. Intro
1.1. Orain Eurengan Dago

2. Enbor Arnasa [Almost All The Beginnings]
1.1. Onarpena | 1.2. Berpiztu | 1.3. Arratsaldetan | 1.4. Eguzki Bila | 1.5. Zer Moduz | 1.6. Izar Hori Gara | 1.7. Eginahalak | 1.8. Bass Sesion [Bihotzez – Onarpena – Eginahalak] | 1.9. Ogi Txingar

3. Ilunari Argia
1.1. Minez Negar | 1.2. Joku Haiek | 1.3. Orain Eurengan Dago – Guitar | 1.4. Orain Eurengan Dago – Drums | 1.5. Ilunari Argia – Drums | 1.6. Ilunari Argia – Guitar | 1.7. Nora Joan Baleukate – Video Clip | 1.8. Burutapenak | 1.9. Isiltasuna Oihuka | 1.10. Zailegi – Drums | 1.11. Zailegi – Guitar | 1.12. Hartzazu Denbora | 1.13. Berrabiatze Bat | 1.14. Zu | 1.15. Berbok Erakutsi Zizkidan

4. Back To The Studio After Pandemic

5. Sentitu Bahitu Kateen Hotsak [Song By Song]
5.1. Emaria | 5.2. Kateak Hausten | 5.3. Otoitza | 5.4. Ibilbideko Zuhaitzen Biloben Ondoan | 5.5. Apurtuko Al Du Itsasoak | 5.6. Zeruratu | 5.7. Ez Gaituzte Honetarako Hezten | 5.8. Kontrasteak Beltz Eta Grisean | 5.9. Askatasunari Askatasunetik | 5.10. Nintzena Zinen | 5.11. Bidea Berregin Zen

6. Lehenego Arnasaldiak
6.1. In English | 6.2. In Basque | 6.3. In Basque With Spanish Subtitles

7. From Belgium To Bakidxo
7.1. Apurtuko Al Du Itsasoak [Brugge] | 7.2. Bidea Berregin Zen [Brugge] | 7.3. Otoitza [Brussels] | 7.4. Apurtuko Al Du Itsasoak [Bakidxo (Eng Subt)]

8. Summer 2023 – North Ireland

Enbor Arnasa is:
Iñaki Espartza – Vocals/Guitar/Bass/Drums

Band links: Facebook | Youtube | On Sliptrick